Autori: Iacobucci, Donato, Bellandi, Marco, Giannini, Valentina
Titolo: La Missione 1 del pnrr: quali opportunità da cogliere e barriere da superare?
Periodico: L'industria
Anno: 2022 - Fascicolo: 2 - Pagina iniziale: 227 - Pagina finale: 244

The aim of the paper is an analysis and critical discussion of the first mission of the National Recovery and Resilience Plan (nrp). As is well known, the first mission of the nrp aims to provide a boost to the relaunch of the competitiveness and productivity of the country system through the dissemination and absorption of the opportunities offered by the «digital revolution» for citizens, public administration and businesses. Specifically, interventions are identified in the areas of digitalisation, innovation, competitiveness, culture and tourism. After an analysis of the programme and the interventions included in the first Mission of the nrp, there is a discussion and reflection on the opportunities it creates for the production system and more generally for the country system. The aspects left in the shadows by the Plan that in our opinion should instead be taken into account and, consequently, the possible weaknesses that characterise the first Mission are then examined. What emerges is that the nrp identifies the problems of our production system but seems to lack an explicit long-term strategic horizon.

SICI: 0019-7416(2022)2<227:LM1DPQ>2.0.ZU;2-C
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