Cattaneo, Francesco Titolo:
«Sulle più remote montagne». Pensare e poetare in HeideggerPeriodico:
2022 - Fascicolo:
1 - Pagina iniziale:
67 - Pagina finale:
88The aim of this article is to study in depth the relationship between thought and poetry in Heidegger’s philosophy. This relationship must be explained in connection to Hölderlin, because it is first and foremost Hölderlin’s poetic work that lets Heidegger understand the importance of the dialogue between thought and poetry – a dialogue that is paramount in overcoming metaphysics. As the chiasmus of dichtendes Denken and denkende Dichtung shows, thought and poetry are very close and deeply interconnected in Heidegger’s view, because they are both prominent experiences of the essence of language. At the same time, however, the chiasmus points to a distinction. As a matter of fact, Heidegger never loses sight of the fundamental difference between thought and poetry. On the contrary, he is persuaded that only the acknowledgement of this fundamental difference can provide a fruitful dialogue
SICI: 2039-6635(2022)1<67:«PRMPE>2.0.ZU;2-E
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