Autore: Matrone, Ludovico
Titolo: Libertà e ordine : la gestione dei tumulti urbani nel primo decennio postunitario
Periodico: Passato e presente
Anno: 2022 - Fascicolo: 115 - Pagina iniziale: 182 - Pagina finale: 200

The paper examines the practices of dissent and the modalities of protecting order, with the aim of tracing a history of the first decade of United Italy through the prism of urban riots and the consequent response of Liberal governments. The study will focus on the op-erational effectiveness of the forces of law and order in a phase in which the establishment of the new police system was confronted with the cases of participation and elements of conflict that emerged with Unification

SICI: 1120-0650(2022)115<182:LEO:LG>2.0.ZU;2-D
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