Autore: Bacchin, Elena
Titolo: Venezia 1831-32 : prigionieri politici e diritto di ribellione
Periodico: Passato e presente
Anno: 2022 - Fascicolo: 115 - Pagina iniziale: 124 - Pagina finale: 141

Focusing on the case study of a group of foreign insurgents imprisoned in Venice after the 1831 revolutions, this article analyses the impact and spread of discourses based on humanitarianism, the law of nations and the respect for political convicts. Moreover, it illuminates the mobilisation for political inmates involving radical groups as well as political authorities, with a new sensitivity to the right of rebellion and the situation of the Italian peninsula.

SICI: 1120-0650(2022)115<124:V1:PPE>2.0.ZU;2-7
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