Autore: Borgione, Andrea
Titolo: La scelta del coniuge : Torino 1782-1865
Periodico: Passato e presente
Anno: 2022 - Fascicolo: 115 - Pagina iniziale: 86 - Pagina finale: 104

From 1782 to 1865, in Turin, a judicial instrument, originally conceived for the purpose of reinforcing paternal authority over offspring, was transformed, by the French experience and especially after 1848, into a legal device to obtain the opposite: to force, that is, the recalcitrant fathers to accept, willingly or unwillingly, the affective choices of a generation influenced by romanticism and no longer willing to submit to the logic of arranged marriages.

SICI: 1120-0650(2022)115<86:LSDC:T>2.0.ZU;2-U
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