Autore: Urbini, Silvia
Titolo: Una Fuga in Egitto e altre incisioni da Giulio Romano in Valpadana
Periodico: Ricerche di storia dell'arte
Anno: 2022 - Volume: 136 - Fascicolo: 1 - Pagina iniziale: 37 - Pagina finale: 52

In the feld of prints, it is not unusual to have versions made with di#erent techniques of one inventio. On the other hand, the preparatory drawing for the engravings – and in general the graphic exercises relating to the engraved works – have almost never survived their use in the artists’ workshop. e protagonist work of this essay, a Flight into Egypt that we possess in the form of drawing, burin and chiaroscuro, escaped that fate. e Flight into Egypt will be studied by putting again at the centre of its history the words that Giorgio Vasari dedicated to it: he attributed the in%entio to Giulio Romano and the engraving to his collaborator Giovan Battista Scultori. e investigation will then move to a little studied area of reproductive prints by Giulio, that of xilography, considering some chiaroscuro derived from his drawings and related for technical and stylistic reasons to the Flight into Egypt

SICI: 0392-7202(2022)136:1<37:UFIEEA>2.0.ZU;2-2
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