Statistical methods & applications : Journal of the Italian Statistical Society  -  annata 2009

Risultato della ricerca: (32 titoli )

Adaptive two-treatment two-period crossover design for binary treatment responses incorporating carry-over effects : adaptive crossover design
Statistical methods & applications : Journal of the Italian Statistical Society - 2009
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Bounds for how much influence an observation can have
Statistical methods & applications : Journal of the Italian Statistical Society - 2009
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The effects of the new 1995 ESA methodologies of estimation on the structural analysis of Italian consumption
Statistical methods & applications : Journal of the Italian Statistical Society - 2009
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Empirical Bayes spatial prediction using a Monte Carlo EM algorithm
Statistical methods & applications : Journal of the Italian Statistical Society - 2009
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Handling the effect of non-response in graphical models for longitudinal data
Statistical methods & applications : Journal of the Italian Statistical Society - 2009
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On the clustering term in ecological analysis: how do different prior specifications affect results?
Statistical methods & applications : Journal of the Italian Statistical Society - 2009
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An online estimation scheme for a Hull-White model with HMM-driven parameters
Statistical methods & applications : Journal of the Italian Statistical Society - 2009
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Regime switching: Italian financial markets over a century
Statistical methods & applications : Journal of the Italian Statistical Society - 2009
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Estimating und using propensity score in presence of missing background data: an application to assess the impact of childbearing on wellbeing
Statistical methods & applications : Journal of the Italian Statistical Society - 2009
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An improved statistical test for historial linguistics
Statistical methods & applications : Journal of the Italian Statistical Society - 2009
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Modelling individual fertility levels in Malawian women: a spatial semiparametric regression model
Statistical methods & applications : Journal of the Italian Statistical Society - 2009
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Some developments on the log-Dagum distribution
Statistical methods & applications : Journal of the Italian Statistical Society - 2009
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Some new results on univariate and multivariate permutation tests for ordinal categorical variables under restricted alternatives
Statistical methods & applications : Journal of the Italian Statistical Society - 2009
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A spatial analysis on Italian unemployment differences
Statistical methods & applications : Journal of the Italian Statistical Society - 2009
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Scheda completa: full text, export citazione, ACNP, libri su BNCF

Statistical models for e-learning data
Statistical methods & applications : Journal of the Italian Statistical Society - 2009
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Scheda completa: full text, export citazione, ACNP, libri su BNCF

Test for cointegration rank and choise of the alternative
Statistical methods & applications : Journal of the Italian Statistical Society - 2009
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Testing for linearity in Markov switching models: a bootstrap approach
Statistical methods & applications : Journal of the Italian Statistical Society - 2009
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Comparing several exponential populations wuith more than one control
Statistical methods & applications : Journal of the Italian Statistical Society - 2009
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Evolution and decomposition of income inequality in Italy. 1991-2004
Statistical methods & applications : Journal of the Italian Statistical Society - 2009
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The generalized long-gamma mixture model with covariates: local influence and residual analysis
Statistical methods & applications : Journal of the Italian Statistical Society - 2009
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The Ittalian Labour Forec Survey to estimate fertility
Statistical methods & applications : Journal of the Italian Statistical Society - 2009
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Mixed-spectra analysis for stationary random fields
Statistical methods & applications : Journal of the Italian Statistical Society - 2009
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A new nonparametric bivariate test for two sample location problem
Statistical methods & applications : Journal of the Italian Statistical Society - 2009
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Protection of privacy in efficient application of randomized response techniques
Statistical methods & applications : Journal of the Italian Statistical Society - 2009
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Analyzing the dynamic system model with dscrete failure time distribution
Statistical methods & applications : Journal of the Italian Statistical Society - 2009
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Bayesian spatial models with repeated measurements : with application to the herbaceous data analysis
Statistical methods & applications : Journal of the Italian Statistical Society - 2009
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A bivariate F distributions with marginals on arbitrary numerator and denominator degrees of freedom, and related bivariate beta and t distributions
Statistical methods & applications : Journal of the Italian Statistical Society - 2009
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Empirical likelihood intervals for the population mean and quantiles based on balanced ranked set samples
Statistical methods & applications : Journal of the Italian Statistical Society - 2009
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Modellling time series of counts with overdispersion
Statistical methods & applications : Journal of the Italian Statistical Society - 2009
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On some properties of equilibrium distributions of order n
Statistical methods & applications : Journal of the Italian Statistical Society - 2009
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On the use of non-linear transformations in Stochastic Volatility models
Statistical methods & applications : Journal of the Italian Statistical Society - 2009
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Testing structural breaks versus long memory with the Box-Pierce statistics: a Monte Carlo study
Statistical methods & applications : Journal of the Italian Statistical Society - 2009
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