Biasutti, Giacomo Titolo:
Brevi note intorno alla nozione di servizio pubblico culturale. Nomina sunt consequentia rerum?Periodico:
Aedon (Online)Anno:
2021 - Fascicolo:
3 - Pagina iniziale:
172 - Pagina finale:
184The essay focuses on the notion of public service related to the management of cultural heritage. Starting from the prospectiveof general administrative law, the concept of public service is very complex and difficult to summarize in a standard form. Evenmore so if we try to apply the notion to the management of cultural heritage, being cultural heritage itself so complex andelusive. Even so, there are some clues in the Italian legislation that can be useful in the analysis of cultural heritagemanagement by public administration, such as the strike law. By coherently interpreting these elements, the essay then triesto understand if the position of the citizen who relates to cultural heritage can properly be a right (such is called by legislation)or if, in reality, is something less, such as a legitimate interest (interesse legittimo). The conclusion is not in itself irrelevant,because different solutions lead to different tools by which public administration manages the cultural heritage but also bywhich the citizen can access that same heritage.
SICI: 1127-1345(2021)3<172:BNIAND>2.0.ZU;2-A
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