Autore: Montanari, Andrea
Titolo: Il sostegno dei beni culturali: riflessioni per una strategia "altruistica"
Periodico: Aedon (Online)
Anno: 2021 - Fascicolo: 2 - Pagina iniziale: 0

This essay investigates the support of cultural heritage from the perspective of private law. It compares the support carried out for profit, in particular through sponsorship, and that exercised in a purely altruistic manner, resorting to liberal acts. In this regard, the Author highlights how the latter activities: i) offer a greater contribution in terms of intensifying the link between individuals and the cultural life of the community to which they belong; ii) are more in line with the dogmatic meaning of cultural heritage, which represents a ‘value’ and not a ‘utility’.

SICI: 1127-1345(2021)2<0:ISDBCR>2.0.ZU;2-L
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