Autore: Sorice, Michele
Titolo: La cornice e lo sguardo. Note sui percorsi di ricerca di Jay Blumler
Periodico: Problemi dell'informazione
Anno: 2021 - Fascicolo: 2 - Pagina iniziale: 139 - Pagina finale: 158

This article reviews some of the most significant stages in the academic career and research activities of Jay G. Blumler (1924-2021). Jay Blumler has been a point of reference for several generations of communication scholars. He has dealt with theoretical aspects and carried out empirical research in many different areas, placing them within a more general reflection on the relations between communication and democracy. The most important aspects of Blumler’s wide-ranging work are here placed within the peculiar characteristics of his working method: from the rejection of any reductionism to the attempt to adopt a broad and inclusive perspective, from the willingness to challenge established theoretical assumptions (even those deriving from his own studies) to the adoption of a future-oriented point of view.

SICI: 0390-5195(2021)2<139:LCELSN>2.0.ZU;2-X
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