Autori: Parolin, Laura, Nucci, Massimo, Traficante, Daniela, Laghi, Fiorenzo, Alessandri, Guido, Lis, Adriana, Bobbio, Andrea, Daini, Roberta, Aschieri, Filippo
Titolo: L'insegnamento degli strumenti di assessment psicologico: una prima esplorazione nella comunità accademica italiana
Periodico: Giornale italiano di psicologia
Anno: 2021 - Fascicolo: 1 - Pagina iniziale: 39 - Pagina finale: 61

This target paper focuses on the teaching of tests and psychological assessment, and presents the results of a short questionnaire on which tests and assessment procedures are presented to psychology students. The questionnaire was sent to AIP (Associazione Italiana di Psicologia) members giving at least one class on the topic of interest. The questionnaire was composed by two sections. The first section included general questions on the disciplinary sector of the class given by respondents, and on which psychological instruments were taught. The second section explored more in detail which typology of tests and instruments are taught in Italian universities. Results showed a low completion rate of the questionnaire, and a complex and scattered picture of the teaching of tests and assessment processes. This paper represents a starting point for the debate on this topic from other colleagues. This debate is particularly important given the incumbent transformation the laurea in psicologia as only requirement to practice as psychologist in Italy.

SICI: 0390-5349(2021)1<39:LDSDAP>2.0.ZU;2-M
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