Losito, Bruno Titolo:
Educazione civica e alla cittadinanza. Approcci curricolari e didattici e ambienti di apprendimentoPeriodico:
Scuola democratica : strategie educative e territorioAnno:
2021 - Volume:
26 - Fascicolo:
speciale - Pagina iniziale:
189 - Pagina finale:
201Different curricular approaches to the teaching of civic and citizenship education may be adopted. As shown by several international and European studies, different approaches may actually coexist within the same schools. The new regulations introduced in the Italian school system by Law 92/2019 suggest that civic and citizenship education should be integrated into all subjects taught at school, with a shared responsibility attributed to all teachers. ‘Civic education’ is intended to develop students’ citizenship competences as defined at European Union level. Nevertheless, several ambiguities seem to characterise the new regulations and several issues need to be addressed by schools and teachers in order to implement them at a school level and to achieve the aims and objectives of civic and citizenship education.
SICI: 1129-731X(2021)26:SPECIALE<189:ECEACA>2.0.ZU;2-F
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