Manacorda, Daniele Titolo:
L'immagine del bene culturale pubblico tra lucro e decoro: una questione di libertàPeriodico:
Aedon (Online)Anno:
2021 - Fascicolo:
1 - Pagina iniziale:
0A more open and liberal vision in favor of a wide social use of images of public cultural heritage, appears in harmony with the trends that are emerging in Europe and in countries governed by democratic institutions. A political and administrative reform in this direction would be supported by the great majority of civil society. For this reason, it is necessary to dialogue with the renewal energies, also present at the top of the public administration at every level, state, regional and local. The goal is to promote the dissemination of cultural heritage, and therefore its protection, to also offer important support for the cultural, social and economic recovery of Italy and of Europe as a whole.
SICI: 1127-1345(2021)1<0:LDBCPT>2.0.ZU;2-7
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