Autori: Sieben, Inge, Zanasi, Francesca
Titolo: Grandmothers' Transition to Retirement: Evidence from Italy
Periodico: Polis
Anno: 2020 - Fascicolo: 2 - Pagina iniziale: 281 - Pagina finale: 308

The paper investigates the consequences of grandmotherhood on retirement forItalian mid-life women born before 1949. It accounts for eventual differencesin terms of work history, as the transition to retirement depends on the numberof years worked, and the kind of job held. Using retrospective data from theISTAT Multipurpose Survey Families and Social Subjects (2009), individualfixed-effects models show that there is only a weak relation between the birthof the first grandchild and retirement for Italian grandmothers, and no differencesin term of work history. The authors argue that the result could originatefrom two parallel processes. On the one hand, mid-life women seem to retirebefore becoming grandmothers in Italy (as Kaplan-Meier survivor functionssuggest). This could be due to the interplay of the postponement of fertility andavailability of early retirement options: women became grandmothers late inlife, and they have the possibility to retire early. On the other hand, Italy has avery low female labour force participation rate, and several young mothers arenot employed due to the difficulty to reconcile work and family. In other words,young mothers do not need support by grandmothers with childcare, and therefore,grandmothers do not need to early retire so to be helpful with care dutiestoward grandchildren.

SICI: 1120-9488(2020)2<281:GTTREF>2.0.ZU;2-L
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