Allegri, Elena,
Long, Joëlle,
Gullace, GiuliaTitolo:
Università e "Terza Missione". Riflessioni su un innovativo progetto di formazione e sostegno a favore dei tutori volontari di minori stranieri non accompagnati in PiemontePeriodico:
Autonomie locali e servizi socialiAnno:
2020 - Fascicolo:
1 - Pagina iniziale:
165 - Pagina finale:
178The article critically analyzes the experience of the Piedmont region in trainingand supporting voluntary guardians of Unaccompanied Minors (Um), highlightingaspects relevant to Universities’ Third Mission and Public Engagement.Through these type of activities and initiatives, universities actively contributeto society in various ways, having important social and cultural effects. Thearticle examines the training, which has taken place or is in course, and thekind of support designed by Piedmont Universities for Um voluntary guardians.Moreover, we highlight how, through interdisciplinarity, the interweavingbetween theoretical and practical and inter-institutional collaboration, universitiesovercome the role of «service» in their third mission activities. Despitesome problems, a virtuous circle was created, enhancing reciprocity betweeninstitutions dealing with the inclusion of migrants, university research and education.The positive impact of the experience of Piedmont Universities in thearea is confirmed by data: by March 6, 2019, there were 527 potential guardianstrained or in training; 318 were the names on the voluntary guardians listof the Turin Juvenile Court; around one hundred guardians are participating insupport groups.
SICI: 0392-2278(2020)1<165:UE"MRS>2.0.ZU;2-4
Testo completo: completo alternativo: dati in Refworks (solo per utenti abilitati)
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