Autore: Rossi, Pietro
Titolo: Alla fine di un'epoca
Periodico: Rivista di filosofia
Anno: 2020 - Fascicolo: 2 - Pagina iniziale: 151 - Pagina finale: 177

2019 was a deadly year for Italian philosophy. In few months diedfive outstanding scholars, who were born from 1929 to 1938: TullioGregory (professor in Rom «La Sapienza»), Ettore Casari (Florenceand Pisa), Carlo Augusto Viano (Turin), Emanuele Severino (CatholicUniversity in Milan, and Venice), Remo Bodei (Pisa). The paperpresents a picture of the different personality of those scholarsand of their contribution to the development of the philosophicaldebate in Italy. Gregory was close, in his youth, to the religious‘modernism’ of Ernesto Buonaiuti and studied medieval Platonismand French libertinism; Casari worked on the philosophy of scienceand the modern logic; Viano grew in the milieu of the ‘new Enlightenment’of Nicola Abbagnano and Norberto Bobbio; Severinostarted from the catholic ‘scholastics’ and approached a ‘theory ofthe being’ that reflected a Heideggerian inspiration; Bodei startedfrom Hegel and German ‘classic philosophy’. All these scholarsgrew and belonged to the post-idealistic season of Italian philosophy.The paper offers an outline of the transition from Croce’s andGentile’s Idealism to the Italian post-war philosophy, and of thechanging panorama of Italian philosophy in the educational ‘curriculum’of the post-war generations. It outlines the growing relationshipof these young scholars to their foreign colleagues, and theprocess of ‘specialization’ of their studies (above all in the field ofhistory of philosophy, but also in the philosophy of science, logic,and political philosophy). Indeed, in the second half of the 20thcentury the professional role of philosophy changed: the connectionwith the teaching of history in high school programs – introducedby Gentile’s Reform in 1923 – became weaker, and Italian teachersof philosophy searched new connections with other fields ofresearch, above all with social sciences. The outcome was a growingin specialization, and also in the ‘professionalization’ of thephilosophical research – a professionalization no longer functionalto the high school teaching. The main division line among scholars was no longer the different theoretical position, but rather the differentfield of inquiry. In the last decades ‘professional’ philosophy,i.e. philosophy taught in schools or universities, was no more the‘unique’ philosophy. Thus, philosophy found an increasing presencein newspapers, in television programs, in festivals; philosophicalquestions became a subject for mass media.

SICI: 0035-6239(2020)2<151:AFDU>2.0.ZU;2-4
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