Pallottino, Elisabetta,
Brunori, PaolaTitolo:
Le rovine di Xiyáng Lóu. Architetture e giardini europei nel parco di Yuánmíng Yuán a Pechino (1747-1759)Periodico:
Ricerche di storia dell'arteAnno:
2020 - Volume:
130 - Fascicolo:
1 - Pagina iniziale:
29 - Pagina finale:
38&e Authors present the study and the preliminary project for the development and restoration of the western buildings area (Xīyáng Lóu) of the YuánmÃng Yuán Park in Beijing. &e plan is part of a cooperation agreement between Chinese and Italian Institutions carried on in 2009. &e Xīyáng Lóu was designed and built for emperor Qianlong by Jesuit experts, aligning figurative episodes along a monumental walk, ordered according the rules of western perspective, where buildings hybridize classical and Chinese architecture. A@er the destruction in 1860 and the following events, since 1998 the Park is designated as a UNESCO heritage site. &e project aims to define correct paths and visual points that could allow a fruition more suited to the ancient context and a better understanding of original values, proposing a reorganization of the vegetation and limited anastylosis and restoration of architectural remains to improve the understanding of that which was one of the most interesting intercultural dialogue experiments in history.
SICI: 0392-7202(2020)130:1<29:LRDXLA>2.0.ZU;2-F
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