Autori: Castellani, Paola, Rossato, Chiara, Troisi, Orlando, Ciasullo, Maria Vincenza
Titolo: Sustainable business model innovation: "Progetto Quid" as an exploratory case study
Periodico: Sinergie
Anno: 2019 - Volume: 37 - Fascicolo: 109 - Pagina iniziale: 213 - Pagina finale: 217

Purpose of the paper: The research aims to better comprehend the mechanisms that allow the generation and dissemination of sustainable value. In particular, assuming the business model as conceptual framework and as unit of analysis, the purpose of the study is to understand factors and processes able to orient the strategic conduct of a company towards sustainable innovation. Methodology: The study adopts a research approach oriented to the discovery and it privileges the analysis of a business case with a high explanatory power. Findings: In highlighting the drivers for the creation of sustainable value and sustainable innovation at the base of the analysed company business model, the research proposes a framework for the Sustainable Business Model Innovation (SBMI). Research limits: The analysis of a single case study, although explanatory, does not allow to reach a generalization of the results. Practical implications: The study offers a contribution to the development of managerial theories on innovation with reference to business models oriented to sustainability. The case analyzed is also a best practice that could guide managers and entrepreneurs to plan innovation and sustainability-driven business models already in the start-up phase. Originality of the paper: In response to a gap in the literature, the study proposal is focused on how companies should incorporate the logic of sustainable development and innovation into their business models at a strategic and holistic level.

SICI: 0393-5108(2019)37:109<213:SBMI"Q>2.0.ZU;2-W
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