Autore: Vallaro, Paola
Titolo: AtlasFor: una vetrina per il patrimonio e il paesaggio attivo
Periodico: Economia della cultura
Anno: 2019 - Fascicolo: 3 - Pagina iniziale: 437 - Pagina finale: 446

LandscapeFor Association in Turin designed, developed and put a «web app» – AtlasFor – available to the territories: the main target is to give awareness of cultural strength to the cities, in their heritage of things and people, and to call everyone to a sense of operational responsibility towards that patrimony.AtlasFor is a strategic tool that allows every local community:a) to make everyone aware of what is happening in the city or on the countryside (the cultural property assigned to them by the history and activities that still take place);b) to enhance the assets and to project into the future the feeling of local knowledge accumulated so far. For this presentation of the local heritage AtlasFor has the format «atlas», choosing it among the other types of list of assets and activities (the guide, the encyclopedia, historical sedimentation etc.) precisely:c) to encourage the (re)discovery of places and the relationships of proximity between goods and activities;d) to promote the emotions of serendipity (the random encounter of things and people who do not know each other in a city that we believe we know).

SICI: 1122-7885(2019)3<437:AUVPIP>2.0.ZU;2-S
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