Autore: Iommi, Matteo
Titolo: Energy effects of buildings density with solar access analysis
Periodico: TECHNE (Online)
Anno: 2019 - Volume: 17 - Pagina iniziale: 202 - Pagina finale: 212

The energy and environmental benefits due to the solar radiation availability in the urban contexts are very important for the microclimate and the environmental quality of cities, where spatial distribution and dimensions of buildings play a fundamental role. Understanding the effects produced by different building volumes is an important aspect and the solar access analysis represents the specific field of study. The study proposes a design methodology, developing a framework with criteria, aspects and example applications, with the aim to evaluate the energy effects related to the different volumetric configurations.

SICI: 2239-0243(2019)17<202:EEOBDW>2.0.ZU;2-
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