Autori: Cembalo, Luigi, Caracciolo, Francesco, Carillo, Felicetta
Titolo: Vertical integration in agribusiness. Is it a bargain?
Periodico: Rivista di economia agraria
Anno: 2016 - Volume: 71 - Fascicolo: S1 - Pagina iniziale: 39 - Pagina finale: 49

This paper aims to test whether vertical integrated farms show a significant higher economic performance when compared with those not integrated. The Italian Farm Accountancy Data Network was used, for the years 2008-2011, focusing on farms producing durum wheat. Empirically, a propensity score-matching model was implemented in an attempt to estimate average differences, in some farm performance indexes, including costs and profitability, between vertical integrated and non-integrated farms. The analysis on the effects of a vertical integration showed that supply chain integration increases farms' competiveness and profitability.)

SICI: 0035-6190(2016)71:S1<39:VIIAII>2.0.ZU;2-Z
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