Associazione ESSPER periodici italiani di economia, scienze sociali e storia
Autore: Gazzolo, Tommaso Titolo: Il cinema e la creazione di concetti giuridici Periodico: Politica del diritto Anno: 2018 - Fascicolo: 4 - Pagina iniziale: 599 - Pagina finale: 634
The present essay concerns the relationship between law and cinema. In particular, I shall introduce and discuss the following thesis: cinema does not merely represent images of law, but, on the contrary, it works as a practice of production of law as image, i.e. as what comes to existence because of its appearance and visibility, and not because of the fact of being «said», uttered. Cinema can thus be studied as a procedure of creation of legal concepts, radically different from that typical of juridical practice.
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