Autori: Mateus, Sandra, Amaral, Patrícia, Murteira, Susana
Titolo: In the end, who are the experts? At risk young people in qualitative education research
Periodico: Etnografia e ricerca qualitativa
Anno: 2018 - Fascicolo: 2 - Pagina iniziale: 297 - Pagina finale: 318

This paper sets out the research process and findings of a qualitative study onthe causes of early school leaving (ESL), conducted in 2017 in a suburban citylocated in the Lisbon Metropolitan Area. It draws specifically on evidence froma participatory study with vulnerable students, in order to demonstrate thelegitimacy and pertinence of the inclusion of students with school failure pathsin studies about school success. The research process led to youngsters beingconsulted as experts, in this way addressing questions over the distribution ofpower in the educational field. As experts, 34 young people, most of whom hadeither left school early or were at risk of ESL, were involved in focus groupsand interviews. The analysis of these vulnerable students' narratives revealedthe systemic nature of ESL, and clarified the factors that mark the youngsters'paths up to the point of leaving school. The present study fosters the visibilityof young persons, who are generally invisible and isolated in the managementof their own academic failure.

SICI: 1973-3194(2018)2<297:ITEWAT>2.0.ZU;2-4
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