Autori: Ranci, Costanzo, Arlotti, Marco, Parma, Andrea
Titolo: Riformare è possibile? Proposte e discussioni attorno all'Indennità di accompagnamento
Periodico: Politiche Sociali
Anno: 2018 - Volume: 13 - Fascicolo: 1 - Pagina iniziale: 109 - Pagina finale: 114

Despite the growing needs related to population ageing and changes in the family structure, Italy witnessed over the last years inertia in its LTC system, which is dominated by public policies mainly consisting in cash benefits, e.g. the «Attendance Allowance» (IdA), and a lack of in-kind care services. Based on this, the article focuses on a recent proposal by the Polytechnic of Milan aimed to reforming the aforementioned benefit. The proposal was discussed with the main social and political stakeholders at the first national conference held in November 2017. By building on the conference debate the article sheds light on the opportunities and constraints of the proposal, and suggests a pathway to put in place the reform process.

SICI: 2284-2098(2018)13:1<109:RÈPPED>2.0.ZU;2-Y
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