Autori: Storlazzi, Alessandra, Micera, Roberto, Lunic, Darija
Titolo: Collective action for territorial identity in tourism: the case study of two UNESCO sites
Periodico: Symphonya
Anno: 2017 - Fascicolo: S - Pagina iniziale: 81 - Pagina finale: 96

An innovative approach not developed in management and valorisation of tourist destinations yet considers tourism heritage and related territorial identity as a common and brings attention to the implication of the logics of self-organised and self-governed collective action of the common theory applied to territorial governance. The analysis of two case studies of two UNESCO sites is developed: the Cilento, Vallo of Diano and Alburni National Park and the city of Venice. The first represents a case of territorial domain identity characterised by collaborative governance and the second is characterised by uncooperative governance. The theory of commons and self-governed collective action applied to the two cases contributes to the definition of new research pathways and suggests innovative management strategies.

SICI: 1593-0300(2017)S<81:CAFTII>2.0.ZU;2-7
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