Autori: Manfredi, G., Asprone, D.
Titolo: Il sistema universitario: Italia, Mezzogiorno, Campania
Periodico: Rivista economica del Mezzogiorno
Anno: 2017 - Fascicolo: 3 - Pagina iniziale: 551 - Pagina finale: 564

Over the recent years, the Italian University system has experienced a phase of dramatic changes related to students' enrolment on university courses, university governance processes, the availability of economic resources, which have progressively decreased over the last few years. Underway transformations have led to critical situations in several Italian Universities, very often unfortunately in Southern Universities, and it is important to question what policies to put in place to find a solution and above all how to build tomorrow's Italian University system. An accurate analysis of the data pertaining to Southern Universities actually shows a differentiated situation, as Sicilian and Sardinian Universities struggle due to student drain, which also leads to a significant reduction in resources, and mainland Universities display a patchworked status; besides some equally critical situations in Basilicata or Puglia, the Campania region arises, whose Universities are not experiencing the same reduction of students, and where a careful recruitment policy is bearing fruit in terms of quality of research and value perceived by students, businesses and the public in general.

SICI: 1120-9534(2017)3<551:ISUIMC>2.0.ZU;2-R
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