Autori: Buccoliero, Luca, Scannapieco, Gianluigi, Pitrelli, Nico, Bellio, Elena, Annovi, Giulia, Castelfranchi, Yurij, Saviane, Chiara, Fontanot, Donatella
Titolo: La maternità nelle comunità online. Nuove pratiche di appropriazione e nuove forme di cittadinanza tecnoscientifica
Periodico: Problemi dell'informazione
Anno: 2017 - Fascicolo: 3 - Pagina iniziale: 459 - Pagina finale: 486

The article explores the online communities composed by pregnant women or new-mothers. A lot of online communities have been analysed in order to assess patient empowerment, but the capacity and interest in spreading, taking over and discussing health information are less investigated. Therefore the paper aims to evaluate the dynamics in spreading and use of the knowledge in digital platforms. The main goal of this study is the comprehension of the new processes of knowledge production and appropriation, with the consequent redefinition of an innovative equilibrium between experts and non-experts.

SICI: 0390-5195(2017)3<459:LMNCON>2.0.ZU;2-C
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