Autori: Tarozzi, Alberto, Mancini, Antonio
Titolo: Servizi sociali nel Mezzogiorno: il caso molisano. Operatori sociali e percorsi di accoglienza
Periodico: Politiche Sociali
Anno: 2017 - Volume: 11 - Fascicolo: 2 - Pagina iniziale: 373 - Pagina finale: 387

Globalization imposes on the agenda of Western societies the issue of people-oriented services among those who are subjects that are physically close yet culturally distant. Even in Italy, social services must increasingly bear issues related to an epochal phase of migrations by a huge mass of refugees and asylum seekers. For social services, it requires therefore the task of recognizing and implementing «best practices» at local levels. The territory of Molise has so far demonstrated its ability to cope better than others with new arrivals' emergency. Nevertheless, the contribution of social workers has not always produced the most beneficial outcomes, given the significant difficulties of their penetrating the labor market. The Molise region, like other Italian Southern regions, is hindered by a shortage of resources devoted to welfare. Such conditions are worsened by the large number of graduates in social work which contributes to difficult access to the profession. In this framework, an hypothesis of work is presented in order to achieve an optimal balance between the surplus of forced migrants and the surplus of services' workers in the area. We hope to mobilize a «surplus» of professional skills at local levels in order to cope with a «surplus» of problems arising from a global order challenge.

SICI: 2284-2098(2017)11:2<373:SSNMIC>2.0.ZU;2-H
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