Associazione ESSPER periodici italiani di economia, scienze sociali e storia
Autore: Botta, Salvatore Titolo: Monarchia, governo del conflitto e crisi politica in Belgio nel tardo Ottocento Periodico: Ricerche di storia politica Anno: 2017 - Volume: 59 - Fascicolo: 2 - Pagina iniziale: 127 - Pagina finale: 146
The essay considers the factors and dynamics of the Belgian political crisis of the 1880s. In particular, using the categories of delegitimation, transition, and conflict, it investigates the role played by the monarchy in the clash between Catholics and Liberals during the so-called «School War». Moreover, the essay sheds new light on the constitutional implications of this conflict by placing the Belgian case-study in the more general context of 19th century European liberalism.
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