Autore: Shuv-Ami, Avichai
Titolo: A new scale of brand lovemarks
Periodico: Sinergie
Anno: 2017 - Volume: 35 - Fascicolo: 102 - Pagina iniziale: 85 - Pagina finale: 102

Purpose of the paper: The current study attempts to provide a new lovemarks scale that predicts consumers’ behavioral outcomes. This scale also bridges over some of the inconsistencies of the measurement of “brand love” that also measure “brand respect”. Methodology: In order to test the Lovemarks scale, 3 studies were conducted. Study 1 applied Exploratory Factor Analysis using Principal Component exploratory factor analysis. Study 2 used second-order confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) with a maximum likelihood fitting function of the two-component solution. Study 3 measured the nomological validity of the assessed Lovemarks scale by testing its relations with four other relevant scales. Results: Using EFA and CFA, the reliability and validity of the scale were divided into four different product categories: dairy companies, cellular network providers, banks, and fashion retail chains. The scale does have strong positive correlations with attitude, preference, price premium and recommendation. Research limitations: The main limitation of the current research is that Study 2 used CFA testing only for second-order factors and not third-order factors, which would have also enabled the testing of the antecedents of the scale’s items (such as intimacy or trust). Practical implications: This scale helps to predict consumer behavior and set an effective marketing strategy for the brand. It thus gives directions for product adjustments and establishes effective advertising, marketing communication strategies and brand pricing strategy. Originality of the paper: The current study is testing a new Lovemarks scale on the basis of four different product categories: dairy companies, cellular network providers, banks, and fashion retail chains.

SICI: 0393-5108(2017)35:102<85:ANSOBL>2.0.ZU;2-6
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