Autori: Viteritti, Assunta, Pozzi, Alessia, Sciannamblo, Mariacristina
Titolo: Trajectories of Women in Mathematics and Computer Science: Mobility, Positioning and Hybridization
Periodico: Polis
Anno: 2017 - Fascicolo: 1 - Pagina iniziale: 73 - Pagina finale: 96

This paper focuses on the trajectories of women within educational and professional paths in science and technology. The paper draws on the narratives of women working in scientific careers in order to open the black box of the fields under analysis - mathematics and computer science - and trace their current reconfigurations. Empirically, the focus on the trajectories of women constitutes an analytical lens whereby to detect the internal articulation of mathematics and computer science, which, as we shall see, are academic disciplines affected by different dynamics. These cases are discussed in order to show three emerging dynamics that characterize their trajectories in educational and professional paths: mobility, positioning, hybridization.

SICI: 1120-9488(2017)1<73:TOWIMA>2.0.ZU;2-Y
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