Autore: Viesti, G.
Titolo: Mungere le vacche dell'economia della conoscenza: il rilancio delle aree interne italiane
Periodico: Rivista economica del Mezzogiorno
Anno: 2016 - Fascicolo: 2/3 - Pagina iniziale: 567 - Pagina finale: 574

This paper represents the LectioInauguralisof the Research Centre for the Inland Areas and the Apennines of the University of Molise held by the author in Campobasso, on April 22, 2016, before the Head of State. The change of Italian territorial balances, with decreasing population in hilly and mountainous areas has been ongoing for a long time. These dynamics are of particular concern for a number of reasons: the aging of the population; the reduction of the capacity of producing income; the depletion of public and private service networks. The diversity of the many «Italies» has been always the first engine of its development. The identity and the strength of a country is nourished by the balance among its territories. The issue of inland areas not only affects their inhabitants. It regards something deeper and more important, that is, the freedom of the Italians to choose where to live, to change these choices during the various stages of life; to remain and to change.It assumes a very concrete role: it is in relation to the criteria and objectives in redesigning public policies; a sustainable and innovative redesign of public intervention, which manages to deliver essential services for the quality of life of all its citizens, at any age, and at the same time allows economic development processes that can generate work and income at market conditions. It turns up on many issues: school education; social and health services, the fundamental right to mobility. It concerns the conditions that allow the strengthening of market economic activities and consequently labour demand. In redesigning public policies in inland areas a significant deal of innovation and investment is necessary. Rather than defending what exists, the challenge is to plan new roads and new ways to ensure full citizenship rights and favourable conditions for the growth of market activities. For suchredesign, investing is crucial.

SICI: 1120-9534(2016)2/3<567:MLVDDC>2.0.ZU;2-N
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