Creel, Jerome,
Hubert, Paul,
Blot, Christophe,
Labondance, Fabien,
Lagot, XavierTitolo:
Euro Area Inflation and ECB Policy in a Global EnvironmentPeriodico:
Politica economicaAnno:
2016 - Fascicolo:
3 - Pagina iniziale:
539 - Pagina finale:
554This paper contributes to the literature investigating the role of global factors in determining Euro area inflation, using a wide list of potential candidates to measure global factors. We show that roughly 50 percent of inflation is explained by global factors; and that the ECB has an impact on the domestic part of inflation. This calls for adjusting the definition of the ECB target to the domestic-driven indicator of inflation which we develop.
SICI: 1120-9496(2016)3<539:EAIAEP>2.0.ZU;2-6
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