Autore: Spreafico, Andrea
Titolo: Su alcune forme dell'agire visuale
Periodico: Società mutamento politica (Online)
Anno: 2016 - Volume: 7 - Fascicolo: 14 - Pagina iniziale: 175 - Pagina finale: 198

The article aims at showing how to produce, to use, or to look at images allow to make things in the world, with contextual meanings; that is, how the images perform, or are means for performing, different actions in specific situations. I will describe various examples of actions performed by and through images, while attempting to broaden the current definition of images or, at least, the idea we have of them. In that way, the relations between image and agency, and image and writing, will be considered, with the purpose of finally outlining some significant aspects of the action performed by means of “bodily images” (from gazes to gestures).

SICI: 2038-3150(2016)7:14<175:SAFDV>2.0.ZU;2-K
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