Autore: Meli, Marisa
Titolo: Ambiente e mercati finanziari: i Debt-for-Nature Swaps
Periodico: Osservatorio del diritto civile e commerciale
Anno: 2016 - Fascicolo: 1 - Pagina iniziale: 79 - Pagina finale: 94

The article makes known the phenomenon of Debt for Nature Swaps, that are voluntary agreements to reduce or cancel national debt, to address in exchange environmental protection policies. The phenomenon starts in USA at the beginning of the 80's and involves developing countries, but it is exported in the 90's in Europe to facilitate the transition to a market economy of past socialist countries.

SICI: 2281-2628(2016)1<79:AEMFID>2.0.ZU;2-7
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