Autore: Castellari, Elena
Titolo: Three Essays on Food Policy and Health Consumption Patterns
Periodico: Rivista di economia agraria (Online)
Anno: Suppl. - Volume: 71 - Fascicolo: No 1 - Pagina iniziale: 561 - Pagina finale: 569

The overarching research aims of this work is to contribute to a well establish literature on food policy and health consumption with the final goal of building healthier societies. The dissertation consists of three essays. The first essay looks at the effect of food stamp distribution on food purchasing behavior. The second essay examines if children, during school lunch, suffer from hunger cues that could impact their behavior when choosing meals and the effect of providing a pre-lunch snack. The third essay explores the effect of retailer marketing mix on influencing food price inflation.

SICI: 2281-1559(SUPPL.)71:NO 1<561:TEOFPA>2.0.ZU;2-H
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