Zenarolla, Anna,
Cortese, CaterinaTitolo:
Housing First: una sfida per il contrasto alla grave marginalità e l'accesso alla casa anche in ItaliaPeriodico:
Autonomie locali e servizi socialiAnno:
2016 - Fascicolo:
1 - Pagina iniziale:
179 - Pagina finale:
193Housing First (Hf) is a service system delivery based mainly on immediate access to permanent and independent apartments of chronically homeless and people experiencing severe housing exclusion in order to favor paths of well-being and social integration. Born in the United States, the Housing first moves in other countries (Canada, France, Portugal, Sweden, Finland and so on) that share core ingredients and methodological approach with different levels of fidelity and adjustments. Also in Italy housing first enters as innovative delivery system for tackling homelessness thanks to governments and non-governmental organizations.
SICI: 0392-2278(2016)1<179:HFUSPI>2.0.ZU;2-O
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