Autori: Palmieri, Alessandro, Ismailova, Alyya, Balkibayeva, Aida, Shahrjerdi, Reza, Nukesheva, Anar
Titolo: Overview on state support of development of agriculture in Kazakhstan (Akmola region evidence)
Periodico: Economia agro-alimentare
Anno: 2016 - Fascicolo: 1 - Pagina iniziale: 73 - Pagina finale: 81

The government support to agriculture is increasing in Kazakhstan. That can be classified in different type of support to develop crop production, livestock and rural infrastructure. This is not much depending on agribusiness structure, the form, or the size of farming. Mostly they aim to increase production level, productivity of agriculture. In order to diversify agricultural production Scheme of optimal specialization of regions has been recommended and taken in account by regions. Akmola region is involved in active realization of strategic programs of the agriculture development as it is one of the main food belt suppliers to capital of Kazakhstan. Further development of agriculture will depend on the State and regional programs indicators related to agriculture and rural development. With increasing globalization and joining Kazakhstan to different international organizations (wto etc.) agriculture development must consider requirements of national development priorities of agriculture with challenges in the world market.

SICI: 1126-1668(2016)1<73:OOSSOD>2.0.ZU;2-F
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