Autori: Morelli, Giovanna, Prandi, Paolo
Titolo: La gestione della continuità operativa. Scelte d'impresa nell'industria e nei servizi
Periodico: Economia dei servizi
Anno: 2015 - Fascicolo: 1 - Pagina iniziale: 83 - Pagina finale: 104

Recent approaches to enterprise management have strongly highlighted the need for every single organization to have in place both, a risk management structure capable to identify, measure and appropriately manage and transfer the potential risks associated with its business, and specific tools and processes able to ensure Business Continuity (BC) in case harmful events occur. The aim of the paper is twofold. First, it critically analyses what did not properly work in recent years in the assurance of adequate BC systems around the world, in terms of avoidance of a disaster or of a serious harm happened. Secondly, it suggests an action plan for the Italian case, since the growing interest for this issue in the manufacturing and service sectors of the economy, particularly in the financial one, as well in the public administration areas. As a matter of facts, companies with a longterm vision are increasingly aware of the need to adopt BC systems, with the strategic goal of ensuring the continuity of their service or production, because such sudden crisis could affect immediately and substantially their economic value on the market. The BC system, however, must be oriented towards increasing the strength and value of the firm as well as improving its brand image and reputation, its credibility and relationships with all stakeholders. Nevertheless, policy actions are recommended strongly in order not only to concretely safeguard the interest of the individual activities, but also to sustain the introduction of a concrete culture of risk management on the behalf of the entire economy of a country.

SICI: 1970-4860(2015)1<83:LGDCOS>2.0.ZU;2-9
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