Autori: Canavari, Maurizio, Pecorino, Biagio, Pappalardo, Gioacchino, Bazzani, Claudia, Wongprawmas, Rungsaran, Drichoutis, Andreas
Titolo: Disponibilità a pagare per l'acquisto di alimenti funzionali: evidenze da un esperimento di scelta non-ipotetico
Periodico: Rivista di economia agraria (Online)
Anno: 2015 - Volume: 70 - Fascicolo: 3 - Pagina iniziale: 327 - Pagina finale: 344

We conducted a non-hypothetical choice experiment through a second price sealed bid experimental auction (Vickrey auction) to estimate the willingness to pay (WTP) to buy a new functional snack made with white lupine and citrus fiber, which are ingredients with high fiber content. A sample of 289 consumers were surveyed in Bologna and Catania in July 2015. The results confirm that consumers are willing to pay to buy functional foods, especially those who are looking for innovative products that are not influenced by the opinions of others in the buying decision. In addition, WTP did not depend exclusively on the functional properties but also on other characteristics such as appearance and taste of the snack.

SICI: 2281-1559(2015)70:3<327:DAPPLD>2.0.ZU;2-C
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