Scialdone, Antonello Titolo:
Sui limiti dell'offerta di servizi assistenziali a SudPeriodico:
2015 - Volume:
54 - Fascicolo:
2 - Pagina iniziale:
185 - Pagina finale:
200In southern regions are concentrated the higher risks of social exclusion of Italian territory, but the local supply of care services appears fragmented and inadequate to combat these phenomena. The budget that supports social spending of local authorities appears inadequate in relation to the vast number of recipients. Issues of vulnerable families and of elderly people in conditions of isolation are emerging. In terms of governance and regulatory processes choices that may involve the users and increase the effectiveness of interventions are urgent.
SICI: 1122-5300(2015)54:2<185:SLDDSA>2.0.ZU;2-O
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