Autore: Rinaldi, Alessandro
Titolo: Evaluation in planning and environmental issue: the case of Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA)
Periodico: Crios
Anno: 2015 - Volume: 10 - Fascicolo: 2 - Pagina iniziale: 58 - Pagina finale: 68

Strategic Environmental Assessment is one of the main tools for sustainability in planning. Its strongconnections with the planning process requires to investigate multiple theories. To this extent, the authorexplores the relationships between evaluation in planning, decision theories and public participationwithin environmental assessment practices. How good theories can produce good practices is the key-theme ofsuch an investigation. To achieve environmental quality in planning requires the integration of plan making andevaluation, economic investments and environmental resources, public offices and agencies, and different typesof knowledge.

SICI: 2279-8986(2015)10:2<58:EIPAEI>2.0.ZU;2-P
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