Autore: De Joanna, Paola
Titolo: Local materials in the regeneration of urban space of the historic centre of the Metropolitan City of Naples
Periodico: TECHNE (Online)
Anno: 2015 - Volume: 10 - Pagina iniziale: 240 - Pagina finale: 248

The contribution is part of the studies conducted by the Urban Planning Board, Land Management, Environment Laboratory for the “metropolitan city” and the Big Project “Historic centre of Naples, enhancement of the UNESCO site”. Among the issues under discussion, very important for the 92 municipalities of the Metropolitan City, is the preservation of different urban identities which, although united administratively, are claiming their own cultural profile rooted in the urban space, in the architecture of places and in local resources. The work is based on the principle that the use of local resources affects the quality and perception of urban space and, as evidence of belonging to the place, it is necessary to deal its exploitation under sustainable auspices.

SICI: 2239-0243(2015)10<240:LMITRO>2.0.ZU;2-E
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