Autori: Green, Jan, Binsardi, Ben
Titolo: Entrepreneurial intentions: a grounded theory of green-fielding
Periodico: Sinergie
Anno: 2015 - Volume: 33 - Fascicolo: 97 - Pagina iniziale: 17 - Pagina finale: 36

Purpose of the paper: As a conclusive rationale behind continued global growth in entrepreneurial activity remains the subject of academic and economic debate, the purpose of this paper is to provide additional insight into the sources of entrepreneurial intentions. Methodology: The methodology used is grounded theory, an inductive approach which generates theory rather than verification of existing findings. The coding procedures lead to sub-categories, data patterns and a core. Limitations: The research is limited in two areas, first the range of sectors and second the geographical coverage which is restricted to entrepreneurs located in North East Wales. Implications: As i-career is increasingly attractive to a range of demographic sectors, the implications further challenge traditional employment progress and patterns. That may require businesses to review structure and reward offers to provide additional flexibility for contractual placements. Originality: Within the concluding discussion it is evident that the broad nature of entrepreneurial origins produces additional knowledge as contemporary working patterns evolve to encompass societal and economic changes and priorities, the i-career. The content has value to a wide spectrum of businesses for role planning and workforce arrangements, and also to the would-be entrepreneur.

SICI: 0393-5108(2015)33:97<17:EIAGTO>2.0.ZU;2-B
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