Caliandro, Alessandro,
Barina, StefaniaTitolo:
Twitter come device civico per la materializzazione del pubblico e del discorso politico: il caso delle Primarie del Centro Sinistra 2012Periodico:
Rassegna italiana di sociologiaAnno:
2015 - Fascicolo:
2 - Pagina iniziale:
233 - Pagina finale:
264So far the democratic function of social media has been framed through two opposite paradigms: a cyber-utopian one and a cyber-dystopian one. The former conceives of the Internet as a new Haberamsian public sphere, that is an open space in which people can freely discuss and deliberate about political issues. The latter deems the Internet as a fragmented and individualized space, which, by definition, destroys any possibility of collective deliberation and discussion. However few scholars have systematically examined the empirical relation between politics and social media. Through a quantitative-qualitative analysis, grounded on the digital methods paradigms and based on a dataset of 181085 tweets collected during the Primarie of Centro Sinistra 2012, we would like to show how Twitter can be conceived of as a "civic device" that permits a specific political discourse and new forms of political association to be materialized - both entities that would remain unseen otherwise. In the end we suggest that it is possible to construct a new theory of the digital public sphere starting from the Tardian notion of "public".
SICI: 0486-0349(2015)2<233:TCDCPL>2.0.ZU;2-H
Testo completo: completo alternativo: dati in Refworks (solo per utenti abilitati)
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