Autori: Rossetti, Massimo, Pepe, Domenico
Titolo: The care of detail as condition for energy efficiency in school buildings
Periodico: TECHNE (Online)
Anno: 2015 - Volume: 9 - Pagina iniziale: 123 - Pagina finale: 131

The attention to construction details should return to be the centre of architectural design, especially thinking about the possible negative effects caused by incorrect technical solutions. This is even truer in the case of energy efficiency and thermal performance, since errors in details may compromise the hygrothermal behaviour of the entire building, and particularly in case of more fragile users, as in schools. The paper aims to examine the state of the art of school buildings in Italy, with particular reference to requalification policies, emphasizing the importance of appropriate technology design.

SICI: 2239-0243(2015)9<123:TCODAC>2.0.ZU;2-Y
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