Autore: Del Nord, Romano
Titolo: The university hospital as centre of excellence for the production and dissemination of the advanced biomedical culture
Periodico: TECHNE (Online)
Anno: 2015 - Volume: 9 - Pagina iniziale: 191 - Pagina finale: 198

University hospitals are characterized by the coexistence of care, research and training facilities and by the mission to achieve excellent results in the healthcare services provided. These activities, which are respectively subordinate to the Hospitals and University Institutions of Medicine, reach their maximum level of efficiency when programmed and managed with the principles of maximum integration and synergy in organizational, functional and, not least, physical and spatial terms. Based on this knowledge, a group of researchers from the Interuniversity Centre TESIS developed a PRIN research project – this article summarizes its contents and results – aimed at defining the design approach principles on the basis of which to work out innovative solutions to be tested in the creation of Cities of Health, IRCCSs (Scientific Institutes for Research, Hospitalization and Health Care) and Hospitals of excellence.

SICI: 2239-0243(2015)9<191:TUHACO>2.0.ZU;2-D
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