Autore: Del Gobbo, Giovanna
Titolo: La investigación acción partecipativa entre formatión y desarrollo
Periodico: Studi sulla formazione
Anno: 2009 - Volume: 12 - Fascicolo: 1/2 - Pagina iniziale: 199 - Pagina finale: 206

Facing up to the theme of the relationship between methodologies of research and methodologies of formation for sustaining the endogenous development, imposes the reference at two interpretative dimensions, the research of unit and the research of the relationship. The necessity to start from the relationship and not from the parts and the demand of unit in comparison to a fragmentation, often disguised as the specialization and from the necessity to deep, become imperatives of education and research. It doesn’t deal only with reconstructing unit and tracking the relationship through a ermeneutic process, but it treats rather to individualize and work with methodologies that found their progress upon the search of the relationship and the unit. That means also maturing methodological choices that can produce new knowledges and therefore becoming vehicle of change and innovation. In such context the reference introduced in the contribution is the participatory action research.

SICI: 2036-6981(2009)12:1/2<199:LIAPEF>2.0.ZU;2-X
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