Autore: Benedetti, Roberto
Titolo: Madri, figlie, mogli, schiave. Le istanze di liberazione inoltrate all'Arciconfraternita del Gonfalone (Secolo XVIII)
Periodico: Storia delle donne
Anno: 2009 - Volume: 5 - Pagina iniziale: 147 - Pagina finale: 165

The presence and the status of the Christian slaves in Mediterranean during modern period have been the subject of many and deep studies and publications. But the characteristics of the women’s role in complex system of redemption of slaves from North African’s Muslim reigns, don’t received right attention. The article offers an analysis of this specific issue, focusing for its observations on memories for the redemption of Christian slaves sended to Roman Arciconfraternita of the Gonfalone, in 18th century, a source which until now has been not, or very seldom used. Coming from an unusual point of view, these documents introduce us to the world of early modern slavery in Mediterranean and also define a large number of different subjects more accurately, like conditions, rates and stages of negotiation. The results of this research seem to suggest, that these memories have to be considered as a very interesting and reliable source, specially compared with judicial sources. Moreover, it offers a new change to increase the frontiers of gender studies, especially for female writing.Keywords: Arciconfraternita del Gonfalone, scrittura femminile, schiavitù, riscatto degli schiavi, Nordamerica, regni islamici, memorie, Roma; Arciconfraternita of the Gonfalone, female writing, slavery, redemption of slaves, North Africa, Muslim reigns, memories, Rome.

SICI: 1826-7505(2009)5<147:MFMSLI>2.0.ZU;2-C
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