Autori: Severini, Simone, Cortigiani, Raffaele
Titolo: La trasferibilità via mercato dei titoli all'aiuto nel regime di pagamento unico
Periodico: Economia & diritto agroalimentare
Anno: 2005 - Volume: 10 - Fascicolo: 3 - Pagina iniziale: 129 - Pagina finale: 151

The paper focus on several aspects linked to the payment entitlements established by the Single Payment Scheme of the CAP: what affects the perceived value of these entitlements; the reasons why the exchange of entitlements between farmers may occur and what can be the impact of both transaction costs and taxation of entitlement exchange.The analysis is carried out by a qualitative analysis and by simulation analysis on a group of crop-oriented farms by using a regional linear programming model. Modulation and conditionality may become less effective than expected without taking into consideration the possibility of trading entitlements. However, transaction costs and, especially, the taxation of entitlements exchange can reduce the incentive to trade entitlements. In particular, the taxation rates defined in Italy seem large enough to drastically reduce the amount of entitlement traded in the market.

SICI: 1970-9498(2005)10:3<129:LTVMDT>2.0.ZU;2-R
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